Our Vision

Imagine a ragtag collection of surrendered and transformed people who love God and others. They are captivated by the idea that this is not about them, but all about Jesus. They are gripped by His story and His heart for their community.

They are seed-throwers and faith-cultivators, fruit-bearers and grace-givers, risk-takers and dream-sowers, young and old, rich and poor, diverse yet unified. They link arms with anyone who connects to the story of Jesus -  they long for everyone to be connected to Jesus, the True Vine. They empower the poor, strengthen the weak, embrace the outcast, seek the lost. They serve together, play together, worship together, live life together. Their neighborhoods and workplaces will be transformed because they live and breath Jesus Christ – because they are connected to the Vine and know that, apart from him, they can do nothing, but abiding in Him they will bear much fruit.   Imagine this ragtag bunch multiplying into the margins, into homes, schools and businesses, shining Christ’s love anywhere they are invited.

This diverse collection of imperfect people (going on to perfection*) are the people of The Vine, a faith community of networked “life groups,” founded out of Bel Air United Methodist Church, sent to offer an ancient yet relevant message of grace, a no-strings attached love for the people of Harford County and our world.

* John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, used this phrase to describe the process of Christ-followers becoming more and more like Jesus in their thoughts and actions.

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